Engineer Summer Programs Summer of 2022

August Themes

Mad Scientists - August 1 - 5

This week you will conduct cool experiments that involve mixing chemicals and seeing reactions happen right in front of your eyes. We will be doing more than the average homemade volcano as you will get to decide your own projects. Slime, oobleck, elephant toothpaste, electric dough – the possibilities are endless!

Mad Scientists

Mad Scientists


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LEGO Robotics - August 8 - 12

Can you design and build robots that can overcome challenging scenarios? Master the basics of robotics and visual coding to engineer solutions to a variety of problems. Can your robot move without wheels, can it win a race against other designs?

LEGO Robotics

LEGO Robotics


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Civil Engineering - Bridges - August 15 - 19

Build a bridge that can hold the highest amount of weight.  Utilize our maker lab and supplies to build a bridge to cross a gap and allow for cars to travel both directions.  Will your bridge be a suspension bridge, truss bridge, or arch bridge?

Engineer Bridges

Engineer Bridges


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Arcade Games - The Claw - August 22 - 26

Children will build jointed claws inspired by the biomechanics of a human hand. They will explore articulation and tension as we modify the number of joints and fingers in their claws, using limited materials. Students will also work together to solve engineering challenges, from picking up a slippery marble to playing a clawsome board game.

Arcade Claw

Arcade Claw


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Mini Medical School - August 29 - September 2

Get an introduction to our year long mini medical school theme.  Each session we explore a medical issue and how to fix it.  Help heal cut wounds with sutures, glue, band-aids, or invent your own way to mend our skin.

Become a member to join the mini medical school program. It's perfect for children interested in medicine, becoming a health care worker, or curious about biology.

Sprattronics Learning Lab

Our facility is located at 117 Haywood Rd. Our space is facilitated by learning engineers. They are great teachers who fan the flames of learning, inspire creativity, and spark curiosity.

When you join Sprattronics, you create the schedule that works for you. You can drop your child off for up to three hours at a time, Monday to Friday, 8AM to 5PM.

Become a founding member and come as often as you like. Participate in all of our weekly themes.

Summer Camp Color Engineer LEGO

Signing up today

Sprattronics Founder Membership

Sprattronics Founder Membership


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Want to know more?

You can call me on my cell phone or through text at 864-735-7520‬

Preston Spratt, Founder

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